Basic Difference Between Inlay and Printed Logo Mats

While you are investing money in any commercial doormats, you will always prefer to print your company logo on them. Now the issue is, whether should you invest money on inlaid or any printed mats. Most of the logo mats that you may get in the market are inlaid mats, which are always a more durable choice.

Printed floor mats

Any type of industrial or commercial mat where a design or logo is printed on the top of the mat is known as a printed floor mat. While initially printed mats may look stunning, however, the design printed on them often starts wearing or fading before even the mat degrades.

Sometimes the mat can even smudge under high temperatures. Often you may have to live with a mat where the design element has completely worn out. Thus, the purpose of your printing the logo gets defeated.

Printed mats will usually be great for:

  • Disposable and temporary matting
  • As giveaway and promotional items
  • If your budget is limited
  • When performance or longevity is not any concern.

Inlaid floor mats

As far as the appearance is concerned, an inlaid floormat is no different from any printed mat, however, the technology used may be far more advanced. All your inlaid mats will be designed from scratch. Every piece of your mat design will be computer cut and will use the precise color that is needed to achieve the design of your mat.

Your logo on the WaterHog Legacy inlay logo floor mat can be hand-inlaid and also chemically welded to its base that ensures durability and strength and eliminates the chance of your design getting faded, smudged, or wearing out much before your mat degrades.

Inlaid mats will be great for:

  • Long-term or permanent use
  • Commercial and any other high-traffic environments,
  • For long-term savings over any rental mats
  • Where durability and cleaning performance is important.

Be strategic while ordering your mats

While placing your mat, prefer to put them at a certain strategic place so that you can obtain the best results. One popular spot that you may choose can be after or before your single and/or double doors. However, that is not the only option that you have. You may also consider the following few options too:

  • At your point of sales or near the cash register
  • In front of the elevators.
  • Near the entrance of the internal office door.
  • Where your customer or employees may stand for a longer duration.
  • In high traffic areas to minimize the wearing on your flooring.
  • In front of your pop-up shop
  • In front of the convention display.
  • In certain strategic indoor/outdoor locations for guiding traffic
  • The location where you have created a focal point
  • For complementing your design.

So, you can see that your commercial doormats are just not for doors. Surely your safety and comfort will be your top priority, and thus you can surely find a few additional ways of utilizing your mats for marketing, branding, and interior/exterior design. So buy your floormats from Ultimate Mats today.